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Packages Include
One-on-one coaching with a journalist
Live edit of your text
Advice on building a writing practice and your journey to thought leadership
Supporting you on your journey to thought leadership
Thought leaders are known for simplifying the complex, debunking myths and having a unique view on a particular subject. But many experts get "lost" in their niche. They struggle to write stories that reach a wider audience. Our private story coaching and writing support helps you find and hone your message and write stories in a conversational tone that are based on that message. Interested? Read on.
1 x- Quick Story Check-in
1-hour live coaching session
Review a story you're ready to publish
Get unstuck on an article
Ask anything about your writing practice
Get a recording with automated transcript from your session
This package can only be purchased a maximum of three times. After that, you must select a 5 or 10-hour package.
For payment in euros, please request a payment link. Customers in Germany will be charged 19% VAT, which is refundable for the buyer.
5 x - Focus: Articles
5 x 1-hour coaching sessions
You write/ we edit
Review a story you're ready to publish
Get unstuck on an article
Ask anything about your writing practice
Get a recording with automated transcript from your session
Package expires 6 months after purchase.
Base price: $190/h
For payment in euros, please request a payment link. Customers in Germany will be charged 19% VAT, which is refundable for the buyer.
10x - Focus: Book Proposal or Articles
10 x 1-hour coaching sessions
Choose your focus: Book proposal or articles
We write/ you edit
Review stories you're ready to publish
Get unstuck on articles
Ask anything about your writing practice
Get a recording with automated transcript from your session
More time for general thought-leadership coaching
Get your own client space on our platform for file sharing, collecting your materials and getting input from multiple coaches
Access to our community
A copy of Rhea's book
Package expires 6 months after purchase.
Base price: $180/h
For payment in euros, please request a payment link. Customers in Germany will be charged 19% VAT, which is refundable for the buyer.
Most popular
Notes about the packages:
• Hours in your package can be used for online or offline work. Calls are online. Research, editing, and writing are offline.
• Your retainer hours will be tracked on a "board" for you for easy access.
• There are 3 types of editing: Developmental editing, structural editing and line editing. Discuss with your coach what type you need and how much time is needed for each.
• Our coaching is freestyle. That means you choose the deliverable: the coaching itself, the messaging you work out, or the writing/editing you request from your coach. You have a seasoned journalist there to help you - it is up to you to use us as a resource!